The 2019 UN Climate Change Conference
It almost didn’t happen, but now here we are: COP 25, the last chance for nations around the globe to negotiate the details of their commitments to the Paris Agreement and lock into their pledges. Leaders are congregating in Madrid at this event held by the Presidency of Chile to finalize policies that will ensure the climate action we so desperately need actually materializes. The world is watching.
IISD is at COP 25, too. We have experts ready to speak to journalists about what’s happening and why it matters. We will have daily reports from the conference. We’re hosting a COP 25 half-time show (a free webinar for those who need to catch up). We have research, insight and analysis, and tweets.
And if you still have questions, let us know:
3 Reasons Why COP 25 is About Capacity-Building
Support for developing countries is central to this COP.
Daily Earth Negotiations Bulletin
Keep checking ENB for breaking news, updates, videos and photos from COP 25.
COP 25 primer from Dr. Jen Allan
Still trying to understand what a COP is and why it matters? We have answers.
Article 6 and "bending the Keeling Curve"
A policy brief on what to expect before and after the COP.
New toolkit promotes gender equality
The NAP Global Network just launched this resource for climate adaptation planning.
Video: Africa's journey away from fossil fuels
Interviews with experts on the ground at COP 25 about a low-carbon future in Africa.
New Research
Raising Ambition Through Fossil Fuel Subsidy Reform
Greenhouse gas emissions modelling results from 26 countries.
Burning Problems, Inspiring Solutions
Sharing lessons on action against tobacco and fossil fuels.
The Production Gap
The discrepancy between countries’ planned fossil fuel production and global production levels consistent with limiting warming to 1.5°C or 2°C.
Toolkit for Gender-Responsive National Adaptation Plans (NAPs)
Adaptation efforts should promote gender equality and actively challenge practices that lead to inequality and marginalization.
Engaging the Private Sector in National Adaptation Planning
Adapting to the impacts of climate change, whether at the national, sub-national or community level, is not the responsibility of national governments alone.
IISD at COP 25
Come visit us at Booth #14 on Dec. 4 and 5, in the Exhibit Hall (see a venue map here). We’ll have lots of information about what we do, new research materials, friendly staff knowledgeable in all areas of sustainable development, and probably a bowl of candy.
Experts from our Resilience team – specifically our NAP Global Network – have a packed agenda, which you can see here. They are especially looking forward to a few events, namely:
Enhancing the engagement of the private sector in adaptation planning and implementation
When: 13:15–14:45, Monday, December 9
Where: Room 6
Organizer: UNFCCC Secretariat
Description: This side event aims to advance the work on engagement by validating an upcoming toolkit, prepared in collaboration with the NAP Global Network and Winrock International, which enables policy-makers to more effectively collaborate with the private sector, and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), in adaptation planning and implementation.
A Gender-Responsive Process to Formulate and Implement National Adaptation Plans: Launch of a new toolkit
When: 10:30–11:30, Tuesday, December 10
Where: UNFCCC Pavilion
Organizers: LEG, AC, NAP Global Network
Description: This event will launch a toolkit designed to support country efforts to pursue a gender-responsive NAP process. This toolkit is a joint publication of the Adaptation Committee (AC) and the Least Developed Countries Expert Group (LEG), under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and NAP Global Network.
How National Adaptation Plan Processes Can Be Leveraged for Implementation of the Paris Agreement
When: 15:00–16:30, Tuesday, December 3
Where: Room 1
Organizers: Government of Grenada; IISD
Description: This event will focus on how developing countries’ NAP processes can be leveraged to address multiple commitments under the Paris Agreement, including NDC enhancement and Adaptation Communications. Links to other parts of the 2030 agenda will also be explored.
National Visions for Adaptation Action: Lessons from Botswana, Ghana and Nigeria
When: 9:00–10:00, Saturday, December 7
Where: NDC Partnership Pavilion
Organizer: NAP Global Network Secretariat, IISD
Description: Many countries in the earlier stages of their National Adaptation Plan processes are choosing to develop NAP Frameworks—a strategic document that outlines the vision and structure for the NAP process, articulating why it is important and how it complements other elements of the climate and development policy suite in the country. This event will share country experiences from Botswana, Ghana and Nigeria with developing NAP frameworks, focusing on how these have advanced adaptation planning processes and set the stage for effective adaptation planning and implementation.
Representatives from our Energy team will also be at COP 25. Lourdes Sanchez will be at the Global Climate and Health Summit as well as the session “Monitoring Progress in Health and Climate Change” to highlight the health co-benefits of climate action and fossil fuel subsidies phase out.
Meanwhile, Laura Merrill will be taking part in the following event, co-organized by IISD:
Raising NDC Ambition to Reach Climate Action Goals: Fossil Fuel Subsidies, Energy Pricing and Swaps
When: 11:30–12:30, Thursday, December 5
Where: Nordic Pavilion in Hall 6, at IFEMA (Metro 8, Stop: Feria de Madrid)
Organizers: Nordic Council of Ministers; IISD
Description: How much can we reduce greenhouse gas emissions if we raise ambition with second-generation Nationally Determined Contributions? This panel and discussion setting will focus on sharing lessons on fossil fuel subsidy reform and pricing based on country experience.
And as a reminder that the Energy team doesn’t just sit behind desks researching fossil fuels, our very own Lourdes Sanchez will be taking part in Moving for Climate NOW, a 1,100 km bike ride between Seville, Spain, and Marrakech, Morocco, all to support climate action. We’ll be following her progress on social media; stay tuned for updates!
Our Team on the Ground
Anne Hammill
Director, Resilience
Alec Crawford
Senior Policy Advisor
Angie Dazé
Associate, Resilience
Daniel Morchain
Associate, Resilience
Christian Ledwell
Policy Advisor and NAP Global Network Coordinator
Erik Davies
Director, Reporting Services
Jennifer Allan
Writer/Editor, Earth Negotiations Bulletin
Lynn Wagner
Senior Director, Tracking Progress
Peter Wooders
Senior Director, Energy
Laura Merrill
GSI Manager and Senior Policy Advisor
Lourdes Sanchez
Senior Policy Advisor
Paulina Resich
Media and Communications Officer
Anika Terton
Policy Advisor
Jo-Ellen Parry
Director, Adaptation (Canada)
Deborah Murphy
Senior Associate
Trending Issues
There is so much happening at COP 25, it can be difficult for reporters to figure out which developments to follow, who to interview, where to find the most relevant research, and what kind of story to write. Here are a few of the issues we’ve noticed coming to the surface lately, along with IISD’s work in the area. You can also consult our Experts List to set up interviews or get further background information.
Fossil fuels
Activists are increasingly focused on fossil fuels as the first – and biggest – step we must take to tackle global warming. A new report from UNEP, SEI, ODI, Climate Analytics, Cicero and IISD reveals global fossil fuel production in 2030 will be at levels up to 120% higher than commitments made in the Paris Agreement.
Coverage: CNN, Huffington Post, National Geographic, Scientific American
Gender and climate change
The importance of gender equality in the race to beat climate change – specifically, the role women play in preparing for an unsafe, unpredictable climate – is getting more attention. Gender-related issues are also a focus at COP 25 this year.
Coverage: Reuters, Wired, World Economic Forum
Why Gender Matters in Climate Change Adaptation (blog post); Addressing Gender Equality in Climate Change Adaptation (infographic); Toolkit for a Gender-Responsive Process to Formulate and Implement National Adaptation Plans
Business and the climate crisis
Rather than placing blame on corporations for their contributions to global warming and other environmental problems, we should be looking to them as key players in financing solutions.
Coverage: Financial Times, Devex, Reuters, Forbes
Private Sector Engagement: Guidance Note