Expert opinion and sharp analysis on issues that are critical to sustainable development.
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Showing 41-50 of 670 results
Advancing Biodiversity-Positive Nature-Based Climate Solutions
From India to Ethiopia to Canada, exploring valuable examples of nature-based solutions’ potential while showcasing their versatility.
The Coral Gardeners of Saint Lucia: Local heroes against coral bleaching
Coral gardeners in Saint Lucia are working together to save reefs from the devastating effects of climate change through a flagship project under the island's National Adaptation Plan (NAP).
Imagining an Ethical Place for AI in Environmental Governance: Lessons from water management in Guyana
The topic of artificial intelligence (AI) has been ubiquitous following the release of Open AI's ChatGPT language processing model. What are some of the considerations which dominate the current debate around AI and what do they mean for environmental governance and policy?
Canadian Agricultural Sector To Lead Climate Change Adaptation or Be Left Behind
Canada's agricultural industry is on the frontlines of climate change but also has an opportunity to be at the forefront of building climate resiliency into their futures.
Envisioning Resilience: Women's Voices on Climate Change in Ghana and Kenya
As countries advance their National Adaptation Plan (NAP) processes, the need for meaningful participation by people on the frontlines of climate change becomes increasingly clear.
From the UN 2023 Water Conference to the HLPF: Time for a radical shift in perspective on water
Coming on the heels of a landmark UN 2023 Water Conference held in March, what should governments, practitioners, scientists, and civil society keep in mind as we use the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development to review where we are on SDG 6 and where we are heading?
Three Ways Standards Can Help Deliver on the Sustainable Development Goals
How can standards help deliver results on Sustainable Development Goals 2, 6, and 17 and support governments to track their progress ahead of the 2023 High-Level Political Forum?
Five Ways the Global Goal on Adaptation can Help Build a Global Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning System for Adaptation by COP 28
With the 58th meeting of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change’s (UNFCCC) Subsidiary Bodies (SBs) due to kick off in Bonn, Germany, on June 5, one of the key issues to watch in the realm of climate change adaptation are the talks on the Global Goal on Adaptation (GGA).
Paris Talks a Clear Chance for Canada to Lead on Plastics Pollution
As ministers and policymakers meet in Paris for INC-2, Canada needs to be leading the way when it comes to protecting our environment—and fresh water—from plastics pollution.
The Final Countdown: How Canada can end fossil fuel subsidies this year
The conversation on ending fossil fuel subsidies in Canada has been hanging like a dark cloud over the country, with years of pledges failing to lead to concrete action. But the skies may finally clear in the coming months with the release of Canada's long-awaited subsidies framework and policy.