Policy Analysis

Bonn Climate Change Conference: On the road to Warsaw without a map

By Jessica Boyle on June 24, 2013

Just a month after parties met in Bonn for a second session of the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action (ADP 2), negotiators came together for their annual summer negotiating session in Bonn.

The negotiating session was to include the 38th sessions of the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI) and Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technical Advice (SBSTA), as well as a resumed second session of the ADP. While the SBI did not meet at all over the two weeks due to unresolvable agenda issues, some progress was noted under SBSTA and the ADP. Looking to COP 19, it is clear that a sense of urgency needs to be rediscovered in order to shift the high-level and rather vague discussions that continue under the ADP into a concrete negotiation on the text of a 2020 climate change agreement, for notional agreement in 2015.

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