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Showing 161-170 of 386 results

Can Investor-State Dispute Settlement Be Good for the Environment?

Renewable energy investors have been using investor-state dispute settlement mechanisms to fight cuts to subsidies in Europe, but this short-term gain may hinder states in their broader pursuit of environmental objectives like addressing climate change and pollution.
Policy Analysis April 12, 2017

A Solar Journey: Reaching the remotest villages

Sarda’s remote location cuts off its market linkages and increases the challenge of making electricity accessible and other basic services. We document the deployment of solar in this community.
Policy Analysis March 15, 2017

Jobs and the Low-Carbon Energy Transition: Perspectives from Cumberland County

This commentary begins in Cumberland County, in Northwestern Nova Scotia, Canada, where new jobs are emerging in the renewable energy sector. It argues that the shifts underway in Cumberland County are representative of a larger transition, as job losses in the fossil fuel industry are replaced by growth in renewable energy. 
Policy Analysis January 10, 2017

IISD Perspectives on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

As the Sustainable Development Goals were in the final hours of negotiation in 2015, and in the early days of implementation in 2016, IISD experts reflected on the implications for countries, the UN system, and our own programs of work. These articles, first published as a series of blog postings, are the outward expression of that thought process. 
Policy Analysis January 10, 2017