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Showing 171-180 of 386 results

Joint Submission: Eliminate production subsidies to the fossil fuel sector in Canada

In this joint submission, Oil Change International, Environmental Defence, Équiterre, International Institute for Sustainable Development, and Climate Action Network recommend that that First Ministers agree in November 2016 to eliminate federal and provincial subsidies to oil, gas and coal by 2020. It also urges the Government of Canada to commit to publicly releasing a detailed schedule in their respective 2017 budgets outlining the specific fiscal measure to be eliminated.
Policy Analysis July 27, 2016

Building Transboundary Water Security

This article highlights a new generation of transboundary agreements that aim to integrate wider freshwater benefits, notably ecosystem functions. It also points to the need for holistic approaches to freshwater management moving forward, as countries turn towards implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals.
Policy Analysis May 31, 2016