The impact of plastics on aquatic systems is big news and of major concern these days.

Microplastics (or plastic particles that are smaller than 5 mm) have also been acknowledged as a truly ubiquitous contaminant in recent years, even showing up in our food. Studies demonstrating the presence of microplastics in freshwater rivers, lakes and in atmospheric deposition have shown that microplastics don’t just affect oceans, and therefore need to be researched in freshwater environments.


In 2019, researchers are monitoring a remote lake (Lake 378) for microplastics—all with the ultimate goal of manipulating a lake in a few years to discover how the lake and its inhabitants respond to microplastics.


Click here to read a short blog post about the threat that microplastics pose to our environment.

Current project details [1]

Full title: The pELAstic project


Project dates: 2018-2030


Lead scientist(s): Diane Orihel, Michael Paterson, Michael Rennie, Chelsea Rochman


Experimental lake(s): 378


Related topic(s): Plastics


Collaborators: University of Toronto, Lakehead University, Queen’s University


Learn more by clicking here

Current project details [2]

Full title: Macroplastics – The influence of plastic pollution on fish behaviour in freshwater boreal lakes


Project dates: 2024-


Lead scientist(s): Michael Paterson 


Experimental lake(s): 302


Related topic(s): Plastics


Collaborators: University of Toronto


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