The Future of Investment-Related Dispute Settlement: Options and models
IISD is organizing a side event at the World Investment Forum on October 25 from 1:00 p.m to 2:30 p.m., in partnership with the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) and the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES).
IISD is organizing a side event at the World Investment Forum on October 25 from 1:00 p.m to 2:30 p.m., in partnership with the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) and the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES).
This session’s goal is to provide a platform for discussion about the benefits and shortcomings of the current model of dispute settlement on investment matters and the needs and directions of future reform.
The debate will assist all participants in the World Investment Forum in understanding the current issues regarding investment dispute settlement and the needs and options for reform with a view to fostering a strategy where investment-related dispute settlement and rule of law principles contribute to sustainable development objectives.
This event will:
- Provide a platform for informed discussion among practitioners and interested stakeholders in the area of investment-related dispute settlement
- Contribute to an improved understanding of the issues at stake and the options for future reform
- Contribute to the efforts of the international community to achieve common ground in various issues related to investment-related dispute settlement
Topics to be discussed:
- What should governments expect from the ongoing UNCITRAL process in reforming investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS)?
- Should substantive and procedural issues relating to the current model of dispute settlement on investment matters be addressed in a comprehensive way?
- What are the elements to be considered when discussing the possible creation of an investment court?
- Should people affected by investment projects have a role and standing in investment-related dispute settlement?
Upcoming events
Scaling Up Green Public Procurement: Insights from India, Indonesia, and South Africa
A webinar looking at the progress, challenges, and opportunities in scaling up green public procurement in India, Indonesia, and South Africa, exploring strategies to unlock its potential for sustainable development.
Breaking Ground: Critical minerals, critical opportunities for women’s participation
This CSW69 side event will discuss women’s roles and opportunities related to critical minerals for the energy transition and related sectors.