Climate Advocacy and the Politics of National Oil Companies
Evolving shareholder, consumer and reputational pressures have begun to influence the emissions approaches of some international oil companies (IOCs). The decisions of most national oil companies (NOCs), by contrast, have been driven by domestic political pressures: they serve the national interest, the political interest of the regime in power, or both. Conversely though, NOCs also influence their governments, creating a chicken-and-egg question: can governments drive NOCs on climate issues, or can NOCs drive governments? Given this very different set of incentives and influences, the pathway for constructive dialogue between NOCs and climate advocates will be different from the pathways of IOCs.
This session focuses on drivers and opportunities for transforming NOCs across different types of political contexts, including the potential roles of investor and partner pressure, diplomatic initiatives, and environmental advocacy groups.
This event is the third webinar in the NRGI-IISD series National Oil Companies and Climate Change following the second event in May.
Upcoming events
Building Bridges: The State of Nature-Based Investments
Join us for a panel at the Building Bridges conference in Geneva, Switzerland, to discuss the state-of-play of nature-based investments and the potential opportunities they present.
Stakeholder Consultation of the East African Organic Products Standard
This online event will bring together key stakeholders to review new standards, discuss regulatory requirements, and identify updates for relevant policies.
COP 29 | From Toolkit to Reality: Designing MEL systems to inform the UAE Framework for Global Climate Resilience
This COP 29 side event aims to increase the knowledge and capacity of national governments, as well as actors supporting them, in developing and strengthening monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEL) systems for NAP processes.
COP 29 | Accelerating Adaptation Action: Progress on formulating and implementing NAPs
This COP 29 side event will celebrate progress and share lessons learned from the past decade of work on NAPs and galvanize further cooperation to strengthen and accelerate NAP processes.