COP 26 | Adaptation: From planning to action
This event will highlight the importance of National Adaptation Plans in building climate resilience at scale. It brings together donors and developing countries to discuss progress and needs, as well as announcements of new funding for the NAP Global Network to increase support for developing countries in achieving their adaptation goals.
Upcoming events
COP 29 | Breaking Siloes Across the Climate-Biodiversity Nexus: Enhancing synergies between NDCs, NAPs, and NBSAPs
This COP 29 side event will focus on discussing practical recommendations on how national-level policy-makers could advance synergistic, just, and gender-responsive actions on climate and nature at this critical juncture of the NDCs and NBSAPs updates, as well as the NAPs assessment.
IGF 20th Annual General Meeting
Leading international mining policy forum, focusing on balancing the need for minerals with protecting people and the planet
COP 29 | From Toolkit to Reality: Designing MEL systems to inform the UAE Framework for Global Climate Resilience
This COP 29 side event aims to increase the knowledge and capacity of national governments, as well as actors supporting them, in developing and strengthening monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEL) systems for NAP processes.
COP 29 | Accelerating Adaptation Action: Progress on formulating and implementing NAPs
This COP 29 side event will celebrate progress and share lessons learned from the past decade of work on NAPs and galvanize further cooperation to strengthen and accelerate NAP processes.