COP 28 Side Event | Using Progress Reporting to Advance Your NAP: How countries track and assess progress
As a medium- to long-term response to the climate crisis and to enhance adaptation action, many countries are developing and implementing NAPs and designing monitoring, evaluation, and learning (MEL) systems. However, despite the urgent need to see results and understand the progress made on adaptation, few countries currently track and report on their NAP implementation. Progress reporting is a critical element of the NAP process that helps facilitate both its regular tracking and the continuous enhancement of adaptation planning and implementation.
This event will launch a new NAP Global Network report that explores various approaches to NAP implementation, assessment, and reporting by countries worldwide. Discussions will shed light on the different systems and contexts in which progress reporting has been made to inspire and inform stakeholders about the importance of assessing progress, highlighting experiences from Vietnam, Tonga, and the United Kingdom.
Upcoming events
A Municipal Perspective on the Value of Natural Infrastructure
This webinar will showcase examples the cost-effectiveness of natural infrastructure from a municipal perspective. Focusing on what municipalities need—what evidence and numbers they rely on, and what tools and planning processes are required to ensure that natural infrastructure is assessed alongside traditional infrastructure for cost-effectiveness.
Building Bridges: The State of Nature-Based Investments
Join us for a panel at the Building Bridges conference in Geneva, Switzerland, to discuss the state-of-play of nature-based investments and the potential opportunities they present.
Through Her Lens: Women leading change in sustainable agriculture and market inclusion
Despite the critical role that women play in agricultural production, they still do not have equal access to global agricultural supply chains on terms that benefit them.
The Pivotal Role of Sustainability for Ukraine’s Reconstruction
This webinar, hosted by the International Institute for Sustainable Development and the Ukrainian Climate Office, will discuss how to incorporate sustainability into Ukraine's recovery and reconstruction plans and share recommendations for implementation.