COP 29 | Accelerating Adaptation Action: Progress on formulating and implementing NAPs
This COP 29 side event will celebrate progress and share lessons learned from the past decade of work on NAPs and galvanize further cooperation to strengthen and accelerate NAP processes.

Since the launch of the process to formulate and implement NAPs at COP 16, countries have made significant progress, but challenges and gaps remain. This event will celebrate progress and share lessons learned from the past decade of work on NAPs and galvanize further cooperation to strengthen and accelerate NAP processes. A high-level panel of governments, UN agencies, and technical assistance partners will discuss challenges and opportunities related to the NAP process with a view to increasing political attention to support the achievement of the global stocktake (GST) call for Parties that have not yet done so to have in place their national adaptation plans, policies, and planning processes by 2025 and to have progressed in implementing them by 2030.
Responding to the GST, Azerbaijan, as the COP 29 Presidency, calls on all Parties to commit to producing NAPs by 2025. The COP 29 Presidency is aware of the significant challenges that developing countries face in accessing finance for implementing their NAPs; thus, the Presidency is ready to enable greater action on NAPs.
This event will be held at the Hirkan Room.
Get the full list of NAP Global Network events at COP 29 here.