COP 29 | NAP GN @ 10: Celebrating a decade of NAP Global Network support to developing countries
This COP 29 side event will celebrate the NAP Global Network's 10th anniversary. The event will also celebrate new partnerships in accelerating and strengthening NAP processes in the Caribbean region and around the world, as well as advocating for and influencing the global conversation on national adaptation plan (NAP) processes.
Since the launch of the process to formulate and implement NAPs at COP 16 in 2010, countries have made significant progress on adaptation planning and implementation. The NAP process remains critical for identifying adaptation priorities, driving action across governments, sectors and ministries, engaging non-state actors, and unlocking and mobilizing desperately needed adaptation finance. Parties, including CARICOM countries, continue to work toward completion of the assessment of progress in the NAP process at COP 29.
The NAP Global Network was established in 2014 at COP 20 in Lima, Peru, initiated by adaptation practitioners from 11 developing and developed countries. COP 29 represents a decade of action by the Network and CARICOM countries on strengthening climate resilience through the NAP process. Two thirds of the Network’s support has been for Small Island Developing States and least developed countries.
The event will also celebrate new partnerships in accelerating and strengthening NAP processes in the Caribbean region and around the world as well as advocating for and influencing the global conversation on NAP processes.
This event will be held at the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Pavilion.
Get the full list of NAP Global Network events at COP 29 here.