Designing Fair and Equitable Climate and Energy Policies
This event, jointly organized by the Institute for Climate Economics (I4CE), ODI, and the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD), and supported by the European Climate Foundation (ECF), examines the complex social impacts of climate and energy policies. In doing so, it shows the importance of integrating climate and social perspectives to increase the sustainability and viability of these policies.
Closing the gap between the emission reductions required to limit global warming to 1.5°C and actual government commitments requires climate and energy policies to significantly ramp up by 2030. Yet more research is needed to understand the economic and social impacts, including which population groups may be positively or negatively affected, and how the social outcomes of such policies can be maximized or mitigated. To address these issues, this event:
- Discusses the range of social impacts to be expected from climate and energy policies.
- Shares recommendations on how to design climate and energy policies to alleviate potential detrimental social impacts.
- Presents figures and an assessment outlining the likely social impacts of climate and energy policies from both the Energy Policy Tracker and the French green budget.
- Highlights current challenges in the evaluation of social impacts of climate and energy policies, as well as the type of frameworks that can be used by governments to better assess these impacts.
Nohman Ishtiaq, Public Finance Expert, United Nations Development Programme
Overview of the Inequality and Poverty Dashboard
Joachim Roth, Policy Analyst, IISD
Overview of the Social Impacts of the French Green Budget
Solène Metayer, Research Fellow, I4CE
Perspectives From Civil Society, Academia, and Intergovernmental Organizations
Jason Farr, Associate Policy Advisor for Climate Change and Energy, Oxfam
Michael Jakob, Fellow, Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change
Luisa Miranda Morel, Senior Manager, C40
Enrico Botta, Policy Analyst, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Upcoming events
Evolving Standards on Stabilization: New norms, practical insights, and emerging risks
Webinar for policy-makers and other stakeholders interested in learning about the evolution of the norms and standards on stabilization and how to adapt.
Consumer Protection in the Digital Economy: Issues for developing countries
This webinar will delve into the critical role of online consumer protection in fostering a trustworthy environment for digital trade.