National Oil Companies and Climate Change: Insights for advocates
National oil companies (NOCs) are the “hidden half” of the global oil industry. Climate and development advocates who seek to reduce fossil fuel supply and promote sustainable economies must engage with these state-owned companies, many of which are based in countries with high levels of poverty. At each of these sessions, we present NRGI and IISD’s new briefing paper that proposes five insights on how advocates can influence NOCs, followed by reactions from leading experts who are engaging with NOCs in their countries to spark a discussion among participants.
To support participation from different time zones, this webinar was offered at two different times on December 6. Both one hour sessions follow a similar agenda, so please select the session that works best for you. Participants may also view both sessions if they so choose.
Session One: 9 a.m. GMT (Asia/Pacific and Africa-time friendly)
Valérie Marcel (moderator), Associate Fellow, Environment and Society Programme, Chatham House
David Manley, Senior Economic Analyst, Natural Resource Governance Institute (NRGI)
Meena Raman, Head of Programmes, Third World Network
Aisha al-Sarihi, Research Fellow, Middle East Institute, National University of Singapore, and Non-Resident Fellow, The Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington
Benjamin Boakye, Executive Director, Africa Center for Energy Policy
Register for Session One here »
Session Two: 4 p.m. GMT (North and South America-time friendly)
Diego di Risio (moderator), Regional Manager Latin America & Caribbean, Global Gas and Oil Network (GGON)
Patrick Heller, Chief Program Officer, Natural Resource Governance Institute (NRGI)
Rosanety Barrios, Independent Analyst on Energy
Andrés Gómez O., Researcher, CENSAT Agua Viva (Friends of the Earth Colombia)
Register for Session Two here »
Upcoming events
Breaking Ground: Critical minerals, critical opportunities for women’s participation
This CSW69 side event will discuss women’s roles and opportunities related to critical minerals for the energy transition and related sectors.
Scaling Up Green Public Procurement: Insights from India, Indonesia, and South Africa
A webinar looking at the progress, challenges, and opportunities in scaling up green public procurement in India, Indonesia, and South Africa, exploring strategies to unlock its potential for sustainable development.