
Webinar | The End of Tax Incentives: What will a global minimum tax mean for developing countries?

This webinar will connect policy makers, academics, and activists working on trade, investment and tax to discuss the global minimum tax proposal and how it could affect developing countries and the use of tax incentives.

June 23, 2021 9:30 am - 10:45 am EST

(Open to public)

Presentation slides

In early June, the G7 reached a “historic” deal to make multinational companies pay more tax. They agreed to introduce a global minimum corporate tax rate of at least 15% to try to stop tax competition. Pressure is on other countries to follow suit, including at a meeting of the G20 at the end of the month, and the OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework in early July.

However, tax justice campaigners argue that 15% is too low and will be inadequate to stop the “race to the bottom”. They also say that a rate of 15% will see 60% of the additional revenues flow to the G7 countries, leaving very little for developing countries most in need of funds especially amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

On June 23, the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) hosted a webinar convening policy makers, academics, and activists working on trade, investment, and tax to discuss the contents of the reforms, where and how the rate should be set, how a global minimum tax may affect the use of tax incentives in developing countries, the impact of fiscal stabilization in investment agreements, and dispute resolution.

Panelists included experts that helped produce work by IISD (through IGF) and the African Tax Administration Forum, on the implications of the reforms for resource-rich developing countries in particular.






  • Thomas Lassourd, Senior Policy Advisor, Tax and Extractives, IISD
  • Ricardo Martner, Commissioner, Independent Commission for the Reform of International Corporate Taxation (ICRICT)
  • Anthony Munanda, International Taxation Expert, African Tax Administration Forum (ATAF)
  • Joy W. Ndubai, Teaching and Research Associate, Institute for Austrian and International Tax Law

Webinar details