Past events

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Showing 101-110 of 686 results

The Future We Want: What have we learned since Rio+20?

It has now been over one decade since the "The Future We Want" outcome was adopted at the Rio+20 conference. Join us to explore how the 2012 outcome laid the foundations for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and what it means ahead of this year's upcoming SDG Summit.
Webinar April 3, 2023

NAP Global Network at NAP Expo 2023

The world’s flagship conference dedicated to National Adaptation Plan (NAP) processes will take place in the Latin America and Caribbean region for the first time.
Conference March 27, 2023

The Energy Charter Treaty: Endgame in sight?

This event explored the pressing legal and political issues surrounding the Energy Charter Treaty - and whether 2023 is the year for a coordinated EU withdrawal from the Treaty.
Webinar March 22, 2023