Past events

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Showing 451-460 of 690 results

Peer Learning Summit: Engaging the Private Sector in National Adaptation Planning Processes

This Peer Learning Summit will bring together developing country representatives, climate support initiatives, and bilateral donors to facilitate sustained South-South peer learning and exchange on how countries can engage the private sector in their NAP processes, with a focus on Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in the agriculture and tourism sectors.
Event July 9, 2019

Webinar: Security for Costs in International Investment Law

This session of the IISD Webinar Series on Investment Law and Policy analyzed the importance of security for costs in the current investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) context; the challenges that host states face in seeking these securities; elements for potential treaty reform and revised arbitral rules; jurisprudence involving security for costs; and related topics.
Event July 4, 2019

Webinar: Making Climate-Resilient Infrastructure the Norm

This webinar will explore approaches to calculating the cost of climate risks and externalities. We will also discuss the risks assessment conducted using the Sustainable Asset Valuation (SAVi). It is co-organized by IISD and the Global Commission on Adaptation.
Event June 30, 2019