ITN April 2003

In this issue: WTO Working Group on Trade and Investment to Meet Next Week; Asia-Pacific Region Investment Negotiations Round-Up; Methanex Arbitration Under NAFTA to be Opened to Public; Investors Emboldened by Arbitral Verdict Against Czech Republic; ICSID Sees Two New Treaty Arbitrations.
In this issue: Research Note on Emerging BIT Cases; Up-Front Costs Incurred by Foreign Investors Not Arbitrable at ICSID; WTO Working Group Sees Further Submissions, One More Meeting Before Cancun; Canadian Think-Tank Condemns Canada’s FTAA Offers.
In this issue: Int’l Chamber of Commerce Issues Expectations for WTO Investment Agreement; US-Chile FTA Text Released; Signature Delayed by Chile’s Opposition to War; German Conference to Discuss Alternatives to WTO Investment Agreement; Firm Embroiled in Bolivia Water Dispute Wins Major Iraq Contract; Another Energy Charter Treaty Case Sent to ICSID; Overview of NAFTA Case Law on Regulatory Measures; NYU Conference on Regulatory Expropriations Video Now Available Online.