ITN April 2004

In this issue: Constitutionality of NAFTA Ch.11-type Provisions Being Debated in US and Canada; Canadian Lumber Firm Becomes Fourth in Industry to Sue US Under NAFTA; Canadian Firm Hopes to Challenge US Tobacco Settlement through NAFTA; Services Industry Offers Assessment of US-Morocco Investment Provisions.
In this issue: Methanex Tribunal Accepts Two Amicus Briefs; Investors Looking Beyond ICSID in Investment Treaty Telecoms Cases; British Institute to Hold Conference on Appeals of Treaty Arbitrations; UN Human Rights Commission Handed Hot Potato on Corporate Responsibility.
In this issue: OECD Group Calls in Outside Legal Experts to Review Key Investment Rules; US-Pakistan Slated to Negotiate Investment Treaty this Month; Latvia Could See Two New Treaty Arbitrations, Reflects on Two Earlier Losses; FT: Banks expected to oppose call for WB to get out of oil and coal financing; Investment Arbitration Event Scheduled for May 3 in Paris.