ITN August 2004

In this issue: Malaysian firm wins BIT case against Chile; “wide scope” of MFN clause looms large; Tribunal upholds jurisdiction in Siemens v. Argentina; MFN plays procedural role; Tribunal dismisses BIT suit against United Arab Emirates on grounds of nationality; British Institute’s Investment Treaty Forum to host conference Sept.10; Briefing paper analyzes Intellectual Property Rights rules in investment treaties; OECD to Host Global Forum on Investment in India from Nov.19-21.
In this issue: Canadian cattle ranchers invoke NAFTA to challenge US cattle ban; Norwegian mobile telecoms firm turns to ICSID in tussle with Hungary; Tribunal hands down second jurisdictional decision in Enron claim at ICSID; Mobil sees treaty claim registered at ICSID; Web site launched to house investment treaty arbitral awards; Investment officially jettisoned from WTO’s Doha Round; IISD investment report now available in Spanish; Canadian Think-Tank Says Canada Needs to Overhauls Foreign Investment Rules.