ITN October 2004

In this issue: ICSID Secretariat floats proposals for reforms to investor-state arbitration; BIT award against Russia being challenged in Swedish appeal court; EU-Mercosur talks put on backburner til next year; Transparency International releases annual index on perception of corruption.
In this issue: Canada-European Union reach deal to amend six investment treaties; Aggrieved investors urge US to deny FTA to Peru, Ecuador; New US ambassador to Korea reiterates obstacles to BIT; Tribunal upholds jurisdiction in investment treaty claim against Turkey; Iranian Parliament claims right to overturn foreign investment contracts; Mexico faces three new treaty claims under BITs, NAFTA; ICSID/AAA/ICC to hold Paris conference on international arbitration.
In this issue: Ecuador faces another claim, Attorney-General reportedly decries ‘abuse’ of US BIT; India pleads difficulty in finding law firm to defend GE-Bechtel treaty claim; Croatian firm invokes investment treaty to challenge Czech eviction notice; Champion Trading treaty claim against Egypt proceeds in part; Mexico, China BIT negotiation to begin this month; New York Times editorial criticizes international arbitration.