ITN January 2008

In this issue: ICSID annulment committee will not require Argentina to post bond in Azurix case; Czech Republic quietly pursues challenge to jurisdictional ruling in Prague court; BIT claim against Thailand clears initial jurisdictional hurdles; Austrian cement company’s BIT arbitration with Bosnia is settled; Campaigners deliver letter to ICSID over Euro Telecom vs. Bolivia arbitration; Turkish telecoms company initiates BIT claim against Iran; Interpreting narrowly-worded arbitration clauses in Soviet-era and Chinese BITs; Canadian Minister hopes China BIT is months away, with Mongolia pact to follow; Cases where MFN arguments have led to more favourable arbitration options.
In this issue: Tanzania declares victory in contractual dispute with water services company; Award in Berschader v. Russia BIT arbitration is finally made available to public; Majority frowns on using MFN clause to obtain wider arbitration options; CMS Energy urges Argentina to pay ICSID award; Activists lobby in support of Bolivia’s withdrawal from ICSID; Argentina seeks to annul Vivendi award in decade-long water privatization dispute; German and Finnish investors prevail in banking dispute with Estonia; Claim against Venezuela dismissed amidst questions about authenticity of bonds.