ITN Quarterly November 2015

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- Does the Green Economy Need Investor–State Dispute Settlement?
- Conciliation and Arbitration Law: Times of Change in Investment Protection in Bolivia
- Safeguarding Sustainable Development: Financing for Development and the International Investment Regime
- Negotiations Kick Off on a Binding Treaty on Business and Human Rights
News in Brief
- UN Independent Expert Alfred de Zayas recommends abolishing current ISDS regime
- Investment Court System proposed by European Commission
- Deal reached on Trans-Pacific Partnership
- EU–U.S. negotiations: ISDS on hold and controversy on a leaked EU proposal for the sustainable development chapter; secrecy in TTIP negotiations still a concern
Awards and Decisions
- ICSID tribunal renders interim decision on Ecuador’s environmental counterclaim in long-running dispute
- First ICSID case brought by Chinese mainland investors dismissed on jurisdictional grounds
- Tribunal largely adopts independent expert’s damages findings in USD 405 million award to previous owners of an Argentine public utility company
- Energorynok had no ownership or control over energy-related economic activity; ECT case against Moldova dismissed
Resources and Events