Rethinking Bilateral Investment Treaties: Critical issues and policy choices

By Kavaljit Singh and Burghard Ilge (editors), Published by Both ENDS, Madhyam and SOMO, March 2016
This free-to-download e-book takes stock of current developments and explores alternative approaches to reform investment treaties. The book covers a wide range of topics—from current trends in investor–state arbitration to the wider ramifications of investment treaties on sovereign debt restructuring, the extractive industry, intellectual property rights and human rights. It provides an up-to-date account of the model BIT reviews undertaken by South Africa, India and Indonesia. Some of the authors have suggested a broad gamut of useful policy solutions. The book presents a debate that is very relevant to the ongoing initiatives to reform the BITs regime. It raises some critical policy issues that are missing in the current debates. The book attempts to launch a dialogue among government officials, legal experts drawn from academia, international organizations and civil society groups to address the systemic shortcomings of the current BIT regime. Available at