ITN Quarterly June 2017

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- Expansion of the Energy Charter to Africa and Asia: Undoing Reform in International Investment Law?, by Nathalie Bernasconi-Osterwalder
- Another Conflict of Norms: How BEPS and International Taxation Relate to Investment Treaties, by Julien Chaisse and Flavia Marisi
- Brazil’s Cooperation and Facilitation Investment Agreements (CFIA) and Recent Developments, by José Henrique Vieira Martins
- Intra-EU Investment Protection: Up the Creek Without a Paddle, by Andrej Arpas
- The Recent Argentina–Qatar BIT and the Challenges of Investment Negotiations, by Facundo Pérez-Aznar
Guest Column
- Sustainability Toolkit for Trade Negotiators: Tapping the Potential of Trade and Investment Agreements for Achieving Environmental Goals, by Aaron Cosbey
News in Brief
- TPP-11 to move forward, United States to focus on bilateral negotiations and NAFTA
- Ecuador denounces its remaining 16 BITs and publishes CAITISA audit report
- ECJ rules that European Union–Singapore FTA requires ratification by EU member states
- EU General Court annuls Commission decision that refused registration of “Stop TTIP”
- India opposes “trade and investment facilitation” item in WTO General Council agenda
Awards and Decisions
- Highly anticipated NAFTA award rejects patent law–related claim against Canada (Eli Lilly and Company v. The Government of Canada, UNCITRAL, ICSID Case No. UNCT/14/2), by Matthew Levine
- SCC tribunal dismisses claims brought by British company and its shareholders against the Czech Republic (Anglia Auto Accessories Ltd. v. Czech Republic, SCC Case No. V 2014/181, and Ivan Peter Busta and James Peter Busta v. Czech Republic, SCC Case No. V 2015/014), by Inaê Siqueira de Oliveira
- ICSID tribunal dismisses the second known case against China in a summary proceeding (Ansung Housing Co., Ltd. v. People’s Republic of China, ICSID Case No. ARB/14/25), by Joe Zhang
- ICSID tribunal finds Egypt in breach of several provisions of the U.S.–Egypt BIT (Ampal-American Israel Corp. and others v. Arab Republic of Egypt, ICSID Case No. ARB/12/11), by Claudia Maria Arietti Lopez
- Claims by a Spanish investor declared inadmissible in a case against Costa Rica (Supervisión y Control S.A. v. Republic of Costa Rica, ICSID Case No. ARB/12/4), by Maria Florencia Sarmiento
- Resubmission tribunal puts an end to a 20-year dispute before ICSID (Victor Pey Casado and Foundation Presidente Allende v. The Republic of Chile, ICSID Case No. ARB/98/2), by Amr Arafa Hasaan
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