ITN Issue 1, 2025

- To Transform the International Investment Regime, Look to Political Risk Insurance and Not (Only) to Investment Treaties, by Wolfgang Alschner
- A Just and Equitable Transition in the Shadow of Investment Treaties, by Anil Yilmaz Vastardis
- Understanding the Dynamics of Special Economic Zones and International Investment Law in the Quest for Sustainable Development: A closer look at China and South Africa’s legal frameworks, by Nathalie Zeeni
- Overview of Recent Fossil Fuel Arbitration Cases Under the Energy Charter Treaty, by Clémentine Baldon, Rosanne Craveia
- Romania defeats high-profile gold mine ISDS claim; Gabriel Resources v Romania (ICSID Case No ARB/15/31), by Domenico Ricciuto
- A tale of coal, costs, and compensation: ICSID tribunal rules in favour of Swiss investors in Colombia; Glencore International A.G., C.I. Prodeco S.A., and Sociedad Portuaria Puerto Nuevo S.A. vs. Republic of Colombia, by Meher Tandon
- Tribunal in oil platform dispute applies dominant and effective nationality test to conclude that claimants lacked standing for reflective losses claims under NAFTA; Alicia Grace and others v. United Mexican States, ICSID Case No. UNCT/18/4, Award, August 19, 2024, by Vasiliki Dritsa
- Colombia successfully invokes essential security interest exception; Angel Samuel Seda and Others v. Republic of Colombia, Award, ICSID Case No. ARB/19/6, by Angel Risha
News in Brief
- UNIDROIT-ICC Working Group on Investment Contracts holds another session
- IGF Annual General Meeting discusses critical minerals
- A pioneering ACCTS signed
- The European Economic and Social Committee calls on the EU to negotiate an “inter se” agreement with third states to neutralize the sunset clause of the ECT
- Modernised ECT adopted by the ECT Conference
- UN Trade & Development High-level IIA Conference took place in December