The Law of Investment Treaties

By Jeswald Salacuse, Published by Oxford University Press, July 2015
The book examines the law of international investment treaties, specifically in relation to its origins, structure, content, and effect, as well as their impact on international investors and investments, and the governments that are parties to them. Since publication of the first edition, in 2010, this field of law has both experienced growth and generated controversy. The year 2011 saw the highest number of new treaty-based investment arbitration cases to date; in July 2014, Yukos v. Russia culminated with record awards of over US$50 billion. Controversy has primarily revolved around investor–state dispute settlement, thus far involving at least 98 states as respondents. Salacuse captures these developments, examining the significant growth in treaties, the trends that have followed, and their effect on the content and evolution of the law. The new edition includes an additional chapter on the consequences of treaty violations and the determination of damages in investor–state disputes. It also covers all treaties and free trade agreements negotiated since the first edition, and analyzes trends from treaty negotiation. Available at