ITN July 2003

In this issue: US Pressures Korea to Drop Cultural Policy in Return for Bilateral Investment Treaty; South Africa’s Black Economic Empowerment Plans an Obstacle to a US FTA?; Financial Times Op-Ed Opposes Launch of WTO Investment Agreement; Key Business Groups Hail NAFTA’s Chapter 11 in Op-Ed.
In this issue: UN Human Development Report Highlights Investment Needs of Poorest Nations; Japan Pursuing a Bevy of Bilateral Trade & Investment Agreements; Int’l Chamber of Commerce Responds to Criticism of WTO Investment Pact; Reisman Lecture on “International Law on Foreign Investment” Now Available; Lawyer Moots Investment Arbitration as Potential Window for Making WTO Claims.
In this issue: Countries Still Split Over WTO Investment Talks; Rumblings of Discontent in UK Gov’t; FTAA Investment Talks to be Scaled Down?; US FTAs with Chile and Singapore Reviewed by Congress; USTR Secrecy Condemned; Oxfam Fears Impact of WTO Investment Rules on Extractive Investments; Canada’s “National” Newspaper Examines Recent Loewen Award.
In this issue: Suez Water Company Mounts Three ICSID Arbitrations Against Argentina; EU Criticizes WTO Declaration on Investment; Links Ag Sacrifices to Investment Gains; World Bank Releases Research Note on Proposed WTO Investment Talks; UNCITRAL Session Discusses Rules for Private Infrastructure Projects.