ITN June 2003

In this issue: Brazil Remains Wary of International Investment Rules; “Publish What You Pay” Campaign Receives Shot in the Arm; India-based Research Organization Releases Paper on WTO Investment Agreement; Report Ponders the Future of US Overseas Private Investment Corporation; 5. Canadian Think-Tank Issues Updated List of NAFTA Chapter 11 Disputes.
In this issue: Mexico’s Treatment of Hazardous Waste Site Violates Mexico-Spain BIT; Notice of Intent in First Known NAFTA Chapter 11 Claim Finally Made Public; Holders of Terminated Iraqi Oil Contracts Explore Arbitration; Least-Developed Countries Oppose WTO Investment Negotiations; Canadian Human Rights Organization to Hold Think-Tank on International Investment.
In this issue: World Bank Facility Seeing Record Number of Investment Treaty Arbitration Claims; BIT Cases going to Swedish Arbitration Institute – Volume and Details Remain Elusive; US Resists EU Demands that Investment Treaties be Altered; WTO Working Group’s Final Session on Investment Stalemated on Launch of MAI.
In this issue: Tobacco Treaty Opened for Signature – Trade and Investment Links Remain Vague; US Senate Looking to Ban MTBE – Substance at Center of NAFTA dispute; NAFTA Tribunal in Feldman Case Won’t Revisit Ruling – Headed for Court Review?; Enron’s Investment in Indian Power Plant Still Embroiled in Legal Battles.
In this issue: NAFTA Tribunal Dismisses Loewen Claim Against United States; Dutch Investor Threatens Treaty Claim Against Czechs For Environmental Damage; In Nod to Foreign Investors, Malaysia Drops Affirmative Action for Ethnic Malays; Geneva, Brussels Briefing Sessions to Discuss WTO and Investment This Week.