Reconciling the rights of multinational companies under IIAs with the tort liability caused by their subsidiaries, by Pablo Agustín Escobar Ullauri
The return of investment screening as a policy tool, by Jonathan Bonnitcha
Are interpretative declarations appropriate instruments to avoid uncertainty? The cases of the Colombia–France BIT and the Colombia–Israel FTA, by Carolina Olarte-Bacares, Enrique Prieto-Rios & Juan P. Pontón-Serra
Does the investment treaty regime promote good governance? The case of mining in Santurbán, Colombia, by Anna Sands
Corporate investors’ nationality and reforming investment treaties: Can older-generation treaties undermine substantive reforms?, by Anil Yilmaz Vastardis
The human rights binding treaty negotiation from an international investment law perspective, by Joe Zhang
Incorporating corporate social responsibility within investment treaty law and arbitral practice: Progress or fantasy remedy?, by Claire Cutler & David Lark