2010 midterm congressional elections in the United States: Implications for new U.S. International Investment Agreements

The Republican victories in U.S. congressional elections on 2 November 2010 are widely assumed to have increased the odds that the Obama administration will proceed with new bilateral investment treaties (BITs) and free trade agreements (FTAs) containing investment chapters. But this assumption bear closer examination. The post-election situation is complex.

ITN  |  septembre 23, 2010

Bilateral Investment Treaties and Preferential Trade Agreements: Is a BIT really better than a lot?

With the often costly and far-reaching implications when investors use Bilateral Investment Treaties (BITs) to adjudicate claims against developing countries, governments in the developing world need powerful arguments to justify that these treaties are in their national interest. One notable contribution to this debate has recently been put forth by political scientists Jennifer Tobin and Mark Busch, who set out to investigate the link between BITs and preferential trade agreements (PTAs). Using statistical techniques, they analyse annual data on pairs of developing and developed countries between 1960 and 2004 and conclude that BITs « raise the prospects of getting a North-South PTA with all the deeper and reciprocal obligations that these entail. »

ITN  |  avril 30, 2009

Do Bilateral Investment Treaties Lead to More Foreign Investment?

By Damon Vis-Dunbar and Henrique Suzy Nikiema 30 April 2009 The global network of over 2600 bilateral investment treaties (BITs) has been built on the basis of promoting foreign direct […]

ITN  |  décembre 10, 2008

re: Investment Arbitration in Brazil: Yes or No?

As an arbitrator and one who does not have any connection with the Brazilian legal system, I  can more particularly identify with the views of Weiler and de Oliveira. I […]

ITN  |  décembre 8, 2008

Arbitrajes de Inversión en Brasil: ¿Si o No?

Por Elizabeth Whitsitt y Damon Vis-Dunbar 30 de Noviembre de 2008 En 1991, Brasil inició uno de los programas de privatización más grandes del mundo, vendiendo más de US$100 mil […]

Investment Arbitration in Brazil: Yes or No?

By Elizabeth Whitsitt and Damon Vis-Dunbar30 November 2008 In 1991, Brazil began one of the world’s largest privatization programs, selling more than US$100 billion worth of assets. Seventeen years later […]

ITN  |  août 25, 2008

Entrevista con Alejandro Faya-Rodríguez, asesor jurídico especial, Ministerio de Economía mexicano

Alejandro Faya-Rodríguez fue Director General Adjunto de Asuntos Internacionales de la Dirección General de Inversión Extranjera del Ministerio de Economía de México hasta marzo pasado. En dicho cargo negoció diez […]