
News  |  August 4, 2015

European Parliament supports TTIP, but rejects current ISDS model

On July 8, 2015, the European Parliament adopted a non-binding resolution guiding the European Commission on the negotiations of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) with the United States.

News  |  August 4, 2015

European Commission requests Member States to terminate intra-EU BITs

On June 18, 2015, the European Commission initiated infringement proceedings against Austria, the Netherlands, Romania, Slovakia and Sweden, formally requesting them to terminate their bilateral investment treaties (BITs) with other EU Member States.

News  |  May 21, 2015

European Commission addresses TTIP concerns at European Parliament meeting

At a March 18, 2015 meeting at the European Parliament’s International Trade Committee, EU Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmström presented four “preliminary ideas” to address public concerns about investment in the […]

News  |  May 21, 2015

UNCITRAL Transparency Convention opened for signature in Mauritius

The United Nations (UN) Convention on Transparency in Treaty-based Investor–State Arbitration was opened for signature in an official ceremony on March 17, 2015 in Mauritius. Now also known as the […]