
International Obligations Governing the Activities of Export Credit Agencies in Connection With the Continued Financing of Fossil Fuel-Related Projects and Activities

This legal opinion, commissioned by Oil Change International,  lays out the responsibilities of export credit agencies and governments regarding the financing of fossil fuel projects.

UNCTAD’s SDG Investment Trends Monitor (April 2021)

UNCTAD’s SDG Investment Trends Monitor (April 2021)

Bangladesh and International Law

A comprehensive analysis of international law from Global South perspectives with specific reference to Bangladesh.

African Arbitration Atlas

The Atlas:
Includes African Arbitration Legislation (AAL)
A non-exhaustive Directory of African International Arbitrators (DAIA)

Investment Trends Monitor

UNCTAD (October 2020) Available here

Twenty-Fourth Report on G20 Investment Measures

UNCTAD/OECD Available here

Investment Treaties and the Legal Imagination. How Foreign Investors Play by Their Own Rules

This book explores the role of private sector actors (business leaders, bankers, and international lawyers) in the development of international investment law. It also takes a new look at influential awards, including those related to conflicts involving local communities.

Proportionality and Human Rights Protection in International Investment Arbitration: What’s Left Hanging in the Balance?

This article examines the proportionality analysis carried about by arbitral tribunals when the protection of foreign investment comes into conflict with human rights protections.

International Investment and Competition Law

This is a special issue of the European Yearbook on International Economic Law.

Investment Trends Monitor Special Issue (March 2020)

UNCTAD’s Investment Trends Monitor special issue on the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on global value chains and FDI.

Investment Policy Monitor Special Issue (May 2020)

UNCTAD’s Investment Policy Monitor special issue on the investment policy responses to the Covid-19 pandemic.

International Protection of Investments: The substantive standards

This book outlines the common protection standards contained in international investment agreements and their application and interpretation by investment tribunals.

UNCITRAL Working Group III Webinars

Webinar topics include the establishment of an advisory centre; multilateral instrument on ISDS reform; treaty parties’ involvement and control mechanisms on treaty interpretation; and mediation.

China, the EU and International Investment Law: Reforming investor–state dispute settlement

This book analyzes subjects being negotiated in the China–EU Comprehensive Agreement on Investment (CAI). It focuses on the pathway of reforming ISDS from both Chinese and European perspectives.

Master Class on International Investor–State Arbitration: What is it? How does it work?

In the 1h45min video, Jeswald W. Salacuse, Distinguished Professor and Henry J. Braker Professor of Law at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University, provides a comprehensive study of international investor–state arbitration from historical background and procedures to real-world application and in-depth analysis.

Judicial Acts and Investment Treaty Arbitration

This book focuses on distinctive particularities of judicial acts of states, which are becoming increasingly subjected to international investment claims.

Review of ISDS Decisions in 2018: Selected IIA reform issues

This IIA Issues Note reviews publicly available decisions in ISDS cases, with a focus on cases and issues of relevance for treaty drafting and IIA reform.

Mediation in International Commercial and Investment Disputes

The book indicates that the resolution of international commercial and investment disputes has been dominated almost exclusively by international arbitration, but that international mediation and conciliation are now coming to the fore.

Sustainable Trade, Investment and Finance: Toward responsible and coherent regulatory frameworks

Sustainable development remains a high priority in international politics and commerce. This book explores how the contours and facets of economic, environmental and social sustainability are reflected in the legal norms that govern trade, investment and finance.

Establishing Judicial Authority in International Economic Law

This book discusses how international judicial authority is established and managed in key fields of international economic law: trade law, investor–state arbitration and international commercial arbitration.

Canadian Initiatives Against Bribery by Foreign Investors

This report builds on the broad recognition that corruption—with bribery as a particularly significant manifestation—is a grave threat to sustainable development. It focuses on Canadian legal initiatives against bribery by Canadian businesses investing abroad.

Local Content Policies in the Mining Sector: Scaling up local procurement

This paper focuses on local procurement policies designed to boost the number of goods and services purchased by mining operations from local stakeholders. It unpacks various objectives that a local procurement policy can help respond to. It also details various types of policy instruments that can be used in the design of local procurement policies and underlines the strengths and weaknesses of each type of measure.

World Investment Report 2019: Special economic zones

The World Investment Report (WIR) supports policy-makers by monitoring global and regional FDI trends and documenting national and international investment policy developments. The 2019 edition provides an overview of the global landscape concerning Special Economic Zones.

Responsibility of the EU and the Member States under EU International Investment Protection Agreements: Between traditional rules, proceduralisation and federalisation

This book provides a comprehensive portrait of how international responsibility of the EU and EU member states is structured under the EU’s international investment protection agreements. It analyzes both the old regime as represented by the ECT and the new regime as represented by the new EU investment treaties, such as CETA and the agreements with Singapore and Vietnam.