Review of Current and Planned Adaptation Action in India
This report summarizes the climate risks and vulnerable sectors in India, while providing an overview of policies and initiatives introduced at the national and sub-national levels to advance the country’s adaptation actions.
This report presents a snapshot of the climate change adaptation landscape of India.
It highlights some of the country’s adaptation needs, both existing and emerging, and suggests ways that planned adaptation investments could meet these needs through new research, policy and practice. Given India’s sheer geographical size and diverse sociocultural context, the adaptation needs of many sectors and vulnerable groups have yet to be addressed. In particular effort is needed to address climate-sensitive regions in the country’s northeast, the islands in the Indian Ocean, and the Sundarbans region, as well as additional focus on the gender dimensions of climate change, health issues, and urban and peri-urban communities. This report provides an overview of these and other adaptation action in India. It is one in a series of country reviews prepared by IISD for the Collaborative Adaptation Research Initiative in Africa and Asia (CARIAA).
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