Alexandra Lefevre


Alexandra Lefevre is a French and Spanish Translator and Proofreader with the Earth Negotiations Bulletin. A French and Colombian national with a focus on environment and sustainability, she’s been working as a freelance translator for almost a decade.

Alex’s areas of work include climate change, biodiversity, and endangered species in the context of international diplomatic processes, as well as land rights, Indigenous Peoples and local communities, women’s rights, and forest management. She works on highly technical materials, including international meeting reports, flagship, and baseline reports on community rights over natural resources, and presentations and support documentation for trainings on sustainable management of forests, lands, and resources.

With ENB since 2011, Alex has translated into French many daily and summary reports written by the ENB teams, as well as other internal documents for fundraising and contracting. She is the reference expert translator (French and Spanish) for some other organizations, such as the Rights and Resources Initiative, the International Programs of the USDA Forest Service, and the ICRAF. With an educational background in Public and International Law, she holds a Master’s Degree in Law and Sustainable Development from the University René Descartes Paris V.

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Earth Negotiations Bulletin