María Gutiérrez

Writer/Editor/Team Leader Earth Negotiations Bulletin

María Gutiérrez has been part of the Earth Negotiations Bulletin team since 2001, covering mostly climate change meetings, in particular the IPCC. She is also a lead technical expert reviewing national communications and biennial reports for the International Assessment and Review process under the UNFCCC. 

From 2007 until 2012, María worked with the UNFCCC Secretariat in Bonn, Germany, in the Adaptation, Science and Technology Programme, supporting the Adaptation subprogramme and assisting the negotiations on land use, land use change, and forestry. She has also worked as a consultant with FAO and other international organizations, mainly on capacity building and South-South cooperation projects. 

In her native Mexico, her time is increasingly spent working closer to the ground with Cooperación Comunitaria and other organizations and educational institutions on advancing soil restoration and synthropic agroforestry practices in rural communities.

Maria has a double Bachelor’s degree in Anthropology and Latin American Studies (New York University) and a Ph.D in Anthropology with a focus on Human Ecology (Graduate Center, City University of New York), where she graduated with a dissertation on the creation of a market for carbon sinks under the Kyoto Protocol.

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Earth Negotiations Bulletin