Peter Wood (Dr.)

Team Leader/Writer, Earth Negotiations Bulletin

Peter has been a Team Leader and Writer with Earth Negotiations Bulletin since 2005, covering negotiations related to forests, biodiversity, and climate. During this time, he also worked on a variety of issues related to environmental governance and human rights. 

As a consultant to the UN Forum on Forests, he co-authored a comprehensive assessment of international environmental and trade agreements. With Global Witness, he advocated within the climate regime for safeguards to protect Indigenous people and primary forests (REDD+) and investigated the impacts of logging on forests and forest peoples in the Congo Basin and Borneo. He was a lead author in IUFRO’s Global Expert Panel on International Forest Governance and served on a technical committee that developed certification standards for the Forest Stewardship Council. In 2019, he wrote a scientific review of the sustainability of tropical forest logging and associated climate and biodiversity impacts for Rainforest Foundation Norway. 

Peter has extensive leadership and advocacy experience in his home country of Canada, including with West Coast Environmental Law, the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society, and the David Suzuki Foundation. Peter holds a Ph.D from the University of Toronto and wrote his dissertation on international influences in domestic forest policy and management.

More information is available on his LinkedIn page.

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Earth Negotiations Bulletin