Priscila Pereira de Andrade (Dr.)

Writer, Earth Negotiations Bulletin

Priscila Pereira de Andrade holds a Ph.D in International Law from Panthéon-Sorbonne University (Paris I), a MSc. in Law in international relations from the Center University of Brasília (Uniceub) and a Specialization degree in International Environmental Law from the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR). 

Priscila currently lives in Italy where she works as a legal officer at the International Institute for the Unification of Private Law (UNIDROIT).  She is a lawyer enrolled in the Brazilian Bar and previously worked as a legal consultant for the Economic Law and Policy Program of IISD, as an associate professor at the Center University of Brasília, and as an assistant professor (cultore della materia at the University of Pisa). Her research interests include international environmental law in general, renewable energy (biofuels), corporate social responsibility, environment protection under human rights, international trade and investment law. She is particularly interested in the use of private law for sustainable development. Priscila speaks fluent Portuguese, English, French, and Italian.

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Earth Negotiations Bulletin