Newsroom Media Coverage View IISD's latest media coverage from around the world. Press Media Coverage What's new in sustainable development Recent news coverage about IISD Displaying 661 - 680 of 2043 Creating an architecture for net zero emissions As per a recent report published by the International Institute for Sustainable Development, fossil fuels account for around 76% of India’s total primary energy supply. 18% of the total revenue of the Government is derived from fossil fuels. Against this backdrop, India is set to take a giant leap by the passing of the Energy Conservation (Amendment) Bill, 2022 (Bill) by the Lok Sabha on August 8, 2022. IISD in the news Times of India August 30, 2022 EXPLAINER-Obscure energy treaty threatens huge state losses over climate action British oil and gas company Rockhopper has won more than £210 million ($245 million) in a lawsuit over Italy’s ban on offshore drilling, fuelling concern among climate experts about the impact of a controversial energy treaty used to bring the claim. IISD in the news Thomson Reuters Foundation August 29, 2022 Le Canada assiste à la renaissance du GNL sur la côte ouest alors que le monde se bat pour trouver du gaz. Le Canada tente une deuxième fois de développer une industrie d'exportation de gaz naturel liquéfié (GNL) sur sa côte ouest, dix ans après que la flambée des coûts et l'opposition des autochtones aient fait dérailler une précédente vague de projets de terminaux GNL. IISD in the news Zone Bourse August 29, 2022 Canada sees west coast LNG revival as world scrambles for gas Canada is taking a second crack at developing a liquefied natural gas (LNG) export industry on its west coast a decade after soaring costs and indigenous opposition derailed a previous wave of proposed LNG terminals. IISD in the news Reuters August 29, 2022 Les écologistes saluent le nouveau pacte Canada-Allemagne sur l’hydrogène Lеѕ grоuреѕ dе défеnѕе dе l’еnvіrоnnеmеnt оnt ассuеіllі аvес рrudеnсе un nоuvеl ассоrd еntrе lеѕ gоuvеrnеmеntѕ аllеmаnd еt саnаdіеn роur соmmеnсеr à ехрédіеr dе l’hydrоgènе à trаvеrѕ l’Аtlаntіquе dèѕ 2025, аlоrѕ quе lеѕ dеuх раyѕ ѕе tоurnеnt vеrѕ dеѕ énеrgіеѕ рluѕ rеnоuvеlаblеѕ. IISD in the news WIZEE News August 26, 2022 Environmentalists welcome new Canada-Germany hydrogen pact Environmental rights groups have cautiously welcomed a new agreement between the German and Canadian governments to begin shipping hydrogen across the Atlantic as early as 2025, as the two countries shift towards more renewable energy. IISD in the news Al Jazeera August 26, 2022 The 'spongy' cities of the future Tangled mats of muddy vegetation line the footpaths of Underwood Park, a narrow stripe of green winding along a creek beneath the small volcanic cone of Ōwairaka (Mt Albert) in Auckland, New Zealand. In the water, clumps of sticks and the occasional plastic bag are marooned on protruding rocks and branches. IISD in the news BBC: Future Planet August 24, 2022 In energy transition, efficiency and reality clash Olaf Scholz’s first visit to Canada as German chancellor appears to have pulled the two countries closer. IISD in the news Financial Post August 24, 2022 New report highlights ways to fill Canada's phosphorus gap amid global supply constraints In 1669, German alchemist Hennig Brand was looking for a way to create gold when he boiled down gallons of urine and heated the smelly residue to a high temperature. The result was not the hoped-for precious metal but a pale solid that glows in the dark and burns brilliantly when exposed to air. Brand dubbed his discovery phosphorus, the Greek word for "light bearer." IISD in the news The Globe and Mail August 24, 2022 Ukraine sets plans for ambitious 'green' reconstruction Ukraine's reconstruction from Russia's full-scale war gives Europe's most energy-intensive economy the opportunity to become a hub for green electricity and hydrogen exports to Europe. IISD in the news Energy Monitor August 24, 2022 IISD Experimental Lake Area receive major funding The IISD Experimental Lake Area has received $11.7 million, over the next five years, from the Government of Canada through the Canada Foundation for Innovation’s (CFI) Major Science Initiatives Fund. IISD in the news Dryden Now August 23, 2022 Exportation de gaz naturel de Saint-Jean vers l'Europe: une fausse bonne idée Alors que Saint-Jean est pressenti depuis plusieurs mois pour accueillir la première installation de gaz naturel liquéfié a destination de l’Europe, une étude et les organisations de défense de l’environnement remettent en question le bénéfice d’une telle opération. IISD in the news Acadie Nouvelle August 23, 2022 The Current for Aug. 23, 2022 Could Canada's liquefied natural gas (LNG) be a cleaner option in weaning the world away from coal or would increasing LNG production just increase our reliance on fossil fuels? Guest host Nora Young talks to Edward Greenspon, CEO of an independent think tank called the Public Policy Forum; and Nichole Dusyk, a senior policy advisor for the International Institute for Sustainable Development. IISD in the news CBC Radio: The Current August 23, 2022 Germany wants to shift from Russian to Canadian natural gas supplies at 'warp speed,' but developing LNG export capacity could take years Germany is looking to lean on Canada as it becomes less reliant on Russian natural gas, according to recent comments from German chancellor Olaf Scholz — but the transition could be difficult, as Canada currently lacks the capacity to export LNG, and developing it could take years, researchers say. IISD in the news Markets Insider August 23, 2022 Le Canada aurait besoin d'une " analyse de rentabilité " pour exporter du GNL vers l'Europe : PM Lе Canada étudіе lа роѕѕіbіlіté d’ехроrtеr du gаz nаturеl lіquéfіé (GNL) еn Еurоре, а déсlаré lе Рrеmіеr mіnіѕtrе Јuѕtіn Тrudеаu, аlоrѕ quе lеѕ раyѕ еurорéеnѕ сhеrсhеnt dеѕ ѕоurсеѕ d’énеrgіе аltеrnаtіvеѕ роur ѕе ѕеvrеr dе l’аррrоvіѕіоnnеmеnt ruѕѕе. IISD in the news WIZEE News August 22, 2022 Canada would need 'business case' for LNG exports to Europe: PM Canada is exploring whether a "business case" can be made to export liquified natural gas (LNG) to Europe, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has said, as European nations look for alternative energy sources to wean themselves off Russian supplies. IISD in the news Al Jazeera August 22, 2022 Lake research station receives 5-year grant The IISD Experimental Lakes Area fresh water research station near Kenora has received a federal operating grant of $11.7 million to be spread over the next five years. IISD in the news The Chronicle Journal August 22, 2022 Leading Thinktanks Release Study Entitled Mapping India's Energy Policy 2022 Council On Energy, Environment & Water (CEEW) and International Institute for Sustainable Development's (IISD) Global Subsidies Initiative (GSI) have published a research report titled Mapping India’s Energy Policy 2022. The public resources that support the use of fossil fuels, renewable energy sources, and electric vehicles are updated in the study. IISD in the news SaurEnergy International August 22, 2022 Le gaz naturel canadien ne serait pas une solution à la crise européenne À la veille de la visite du chancelier allemand au pays, des scientifiques, des experts juridiques et des environnementalistes mettent en garde la population que les projets d’exportation de gaz naturel vers l’Allemagne nuiraient aux engagements climatiques du Canada et ne constituent pas une solution à la crise énergétique en Europe. IISD in the news La Presse Canadienne August 20, 2022 Germany's Olaf Scholz coming to Canada to sign energy deal. Here’s why it matters German Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s visit to Canada comes during a crucial moment for Germany’s energy future amid Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, allowing Canada an opportunity to help while boosting its own economy. IISD in the news Global News Canada August 20, 2022 Pagination « First ‹ Previous … Page 32 Page 33 Current page 34 Page 35 Page 36 … Next › Last »