Newsroom Media Coverage View IISD's latest media coverage from around the world. Press Media Coverage What's new in sustainable development Recent news coverage about IISD Displaying 1821 - 1840 of 2046 Child Care Spaces Growing Within Winnipeg: Report "More child care spaces are becoming available in Winnipeg, according to new data from Peg." IISD in the news September 8, 2015 Experimental Lakes Area expands mandate far beyond fish "Now that the IISD has taken over the station, education isn't the only opportunity on the horizon. Chief research scientist Mike Paterson has worked at ELA for 23 years and has never been more excited about its potential." IISD in the news TB News Watch August 29, 2015 On road to Paris climate change talks, Obama detours through Alaska “The U.S. is chairman of the Arctic Council and so that country gets to drive the agenda,” said Lynn Wagner, who analyzes multilateral environmental negotiations as a senior manager with the International Institute for Sustainable Development in Washington, D.C. “They can get people talking about an issue in the way they want it to be addressed.” IISD in the news Alaska Dispatch News August 29, 2015 Middle East faces water shortages The Jordan river may shrink by 80% by 2100 and that ground water supplies will deteriorate further as demand increases. IISD in the news The Guardian August 26, 2015 Experimental Lakes Area Project Lets Fish Take The Measurements "Researchers at the Experimental Lakes Area in Canada are using a new way to track dissolved oxygen levels and their effects on fish, according to a research highlight from the International Institute of Sustainable Development that oversees the area. The new method relies on an advanced fish tag that can measure parameter others can’t." IISD in the news FishSens August 20, 2015 Four cyclists will ride to remind others of water quality problems "The Cycle for Solutions ride is an initiative from the Lake Winnipeg Foundation to celebrate its 10th anniversary and to highlight the science generated by [IISD] Experimental Lakes Area researchers here in Northwestern Ontario." IISD in the news Kenora Daily Miner August 16, 2015 A better tomorrow "The time frame to achieve these goals is tight. However, we believe that it is critical to ensure basic needs of the people (are met) by 2030," says Livia Bizikova, director of knowledge for integrated decisions at Canada-based International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD). IISD in the news China Daily August 13, 2015 What are the benefits of phasing out fossil fuel subsidies? Laura Merrill speaks with Dukascopy explaning what fossil fuel subsidies are and why we need to eliminate them. IISD in the news Dukascopy August 9, 2015 Science, Studies, And Reports "A device that can be attached to the back of a fish and measures dissolved oxygen concentrations in water has been developed at the International Institute for Sustainable Development’s Experimental Lakes Area in Canada." IISD in the news Circle of Blue August 6, 2015 G20 countries pay over $1,000 per citizen in fossil fuel subsidies, says IMF "Fossil fuel subsidy reforms are beginning in dozens of countries, including India where subsidies for diesel ended in October 2014." IISD in the news The Guardian August 3, 2015 Cheap oil helps India phase out fuel subsidies "According to the International Institute for Sustainable Development, around 30 countries trimmed their fossil fuel subsidy programs over the past year. That is why, countries such as Indonesia, Egypt, China – and as Mr. Subramanian noted – India have been able to achieve subsidy reform. Without the fall in oil prices, there would be little appetite to implement such unpopular measures." IISD in the news The Christian Science Monitor July 29, 2015 Why are companies hiding their sustainable credentials? "...only around half of total RSPO certified palm oil is sold as certified sustainable according to a report by the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD)." IISD in the news Food and Drink Europe July 28, 2015 India’s wealthy are finally letting go of an old socialist perk “It’s basically relying on people’s altruism to reduce subsidy expenditure,” said Kieran Clarke, a researcher for the International Institute for Sustainable Development in Geneva. “It’s noble but not very effective.” IISD in the news The Washington Post July 12, 2015 World looks to Ethiopia to break deadlock over financing new development goals "They really want to have the momentum going the right way," said Lynn Wagner, an expert on international negotiations with the International Institute for Sustainable Development. IISD in the news Thomson Reuters Foundation July 9, 2015 Could tax breaks be on the agenda for big oil companies? “The plummeting oil price has eaten into the margins of large oil and gas companies, and all around the world they are demanding a reduction in overall tax burden, especially on new projects”, says Ivetta Gerasimchuk, Senior Researcher for the International Institute for Sustainable Development. IISD in the news World Finance July 7, 2015 Winnipeg institute breathes new life into outdoor research station “People have known about ELA, but that’s about it,” said Matt McCandless, executive director of the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD), a Winnipeg policy think tank now operating the 27,000-hectare former federal research station. “They don’t know what happens about ELA or haven’t been able to see it. That’s something we set out to change.” IISD in the news Northern Ontario Business June 29, 2015 Pelly’s Lake watershed management project complete "The Pelly’s Lake watershed area encompasses about 23,000 acres and ongoing IISD research is showing the potential for removing 5,000 kg of phosphorus per year by keeping the wetland intact, said Justin Reid, manager for the LSRCD. The phosphorus is taken up by the vast sea of cattail that has established in the valley." IISD in the news Manitoba Cooperator June 25, 2015 Here’s Why Canada Needs Federal Carbon Pricing Leadership “Each province should be allowed to adopt its own approach,” Gass said. “Provinces should adopt whatever carbon pricing system they think will deliver the most reductions, they can administer and most importantly, a system that is politically acceptable.” IISD in the news DeSmog Canada June 15, 2015 El deterioro del planeta inquieta en lucha contra el hambre, dicen expertos (Spanish-language article) Gagnon-Lebrun pide a los países que sean "más ambiciosos" en sus compromisos y sinteticen en los próximos meses los puntos centrales del documento que están debatiendo para establecer el funcionamiento de un régimen nuevo, dejando los aspectos secundarios para conversaciones posteriores. IISD in the news June 15, 2015 Cleaning Lake Winnipeg 3 tonnes at a time "The International Institute of Sustainable Development has been running cattail-harvesting demonstrations for the project. Pelly's Lake, said IISD senior research manager, Richard Grosshans, "is a better watershed management that could even become profitable" by generating revenue from cattail biofuel." IISD in the news Winnipeg Free Press June 14, 2015 Pagination « First ‹ Previous … Page 90 Page 91 Current page 92 Page 93 Page 94 … Next › Last »