Financing Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions: Leveraging private investment
Drawing on its considerable experience with Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs), IISD has developed a guide for developing country NAMA practitioners and NAMA funders entitled Financing Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs): Leveraging private investment.
Sustainable financing of NAMAs in many cases ultimately requires blending funds from public and private sources, so it is essential that NAMA developers try to leverage private investment. But how to do so in practice can be complex. Using eight case studies drawn from existing NAMA projects and from various other climate change mitigation and public infrastructure transformation initiatives, this project outlined best practices for attracting private sector investment in countries' NAMAs. Based on the eight case studies, it identifies six key aspects that are crucial to developing bankable NAMAs and also offers guidance on risk mitigation policies that can be instituted by governments and NAMA developers to increase NAMAs’ bankability. A set of recommendations is offered for both practitioners and donors looking to maximize private investment in their NAMAs.
Project team
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