Supporting the Development of Kenya’s National Climate Change Action Plan

The Government of Kenya released its National Climate Change Action Plan in March 2013, the result of a year-long multi-stakeholder participatory process. Along with several other development partners, IISD led the following elements:

Mitigation: Low-Carbon Scenario Analysis

The low-carbon assessment examined greenhouse gas emission trends, and sectoral and economy-wide mitigation potential. Low-carbon options were identified and wedge diagrams developed in six mitigation sectors: energy, transport, industry, agriculture, forestry and waste management. Priority low-carbon development opportunities were identified through an analysis of abatement potential, marginal abatement costs, investment costs, alignment with government priorities, sustainable development benefits and potential climate resilience co-benefits. Outputs included a quick scan of NAMA opportunities, a reference case of historical and projected greenhouse gas emissions, analysis of low-carbon opportunities and development of two concept papers for REDD+ activities.

Long-term National Low-Carbon Development Pathway

IISD worked with the Government of Kenya and stakeholders to identify a low-carbon, climate-resilient development pathway for the National Climate Change Action Plan, and to mainstream climate change in the national planning process. IISD’s role included developing a framework for low-carbon, climate-resilient growth; working with the planning process to integrate climate change in the Second Medium-Term Plan, including the development of sector briefing notes; and developing a climate risk screening tool to assess flagship projects and undertake an in-depth analysis of five projects.

Project details

Climate Change Mitigation
Focus area