
Delivering on the G-20 commitment to reform fossil-fuel subsidies: Essential outcomes from Toronto

By Kerryn Lang on June 20, 2010
In September 2009, at the Pittsburgh Summit, G-20 Leaders recognized that fossil-fuel subsidies considerably undermine efforts to deal with climate change and committed to phasing out inefficient fossil-fuel subsidies over the medium term.

In the eight months that followed, officials undertook an intense process to set time frames and deliverables, and to discuss substantive issues regarding implementation of subsidy reform.

With leaders set to discuss the issue for a second time in Toronto, June 26-27, this policy brief looks at what more needs to be done to realize the G-20's goal of reforming their inefficient fossil-fuel subsidies. In particular, it outlines five essential outcomes sought from leaders during their Toronto summit.

Report details

IISD, 2010