IGF Mining Policy Framework Assessment: Rwanda
This report presents the assessment results for Rwanda, with a view to helping the government target its efforts in implementing the IGF Mining Policy Framework, while informing capacity-building efforts and allowing for monitoring of progress over time.
With support from the Government of Canada, the Intergovernmental Forum on Mining, Minerals, Metals and Sustainable Development (IGF) is working with a voluntary selection of its member states to help them operationalize practices consistent with the IGF’s Mining Policy Framework (MPF).
Assessments completed since 2014 include Dominican Republic, Madagascar, Mongolia, Senegal, Suriname and Uganda; based on the success of these evaluations, the IGF will conduct three assessments each year in response to member requests.
The MPF assessment process is made up of two main steps. First, the MPF assessment team evaluates relevant national, regional and international laws, policies, conventions and administrative frameworks for mining and minerals development and management relative to the six themes of the MPF: Legal and Policy Environment, Financial Benefit Optimization, Socioeconomic Benefit Optimization, Environmental Management, the Post-Mining Transition, and Artisanal and Small-scale Mining (ASM). This work is done both through desk- and field-based research involving diverse stakeholders. The assessment identifies key strengths and gaps in the country’s mining laws and policies (compared to the international best practices outlined in the MPF) which helps measure the readiness of the member state to implement the MPF through its existing government measures. The first phase includes documenting the results in a draft report, validating the reported results with the government and its stakeholders, and publishing the report of results.
Building on outcomes of the assessment and validated reporting process, the second phase of the project involves working with the government to develop a capacity-building program that addresses its gaps and needs. The MPF capacity building is designed to strengthen the government’s capacities and increased understanding to enhance national legislation, policies and governance to best leverage mining for sustainable development and poverty alleviation.
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