Leveraging Sustainable Finance Leadership in Canada: Opportunities to align financial policies to support clean growth and a sustainable Canadian economy
Our policy roadmap shares how mandatory climate risk disclosure and actions by the Canadian government and financial actors can empower meaningful climate action.
Key Messages
- The kinds of changes necessary for Canada to meet its Paris Agreement targets require an infusion of capital beyond what governments and taxpayers can cover.
- Mandatory transparency around climate change risks held by business should be a central part of Canada's climate action, particularly given how much capital is invested in Canada’s energy sector.
- A three-year policy roadmap for greening Canada’s financial ecosystem is achievable and includes coordinated action from multiple oversight organizations.
Ambitious action is required for Canada (and the world) to meet its Paris Agreement targets. This will require an infusion of capital beyond what governments and taxpayers can cover. The private sector must become deeply involved, encouraged by changes to the financial ecosystem that make climate change action and the low-carbon economy the norm.
In advance of Canada’s Expert Panel on Sustainable Finance releasing their recommendations on the best finance and investment structures for climate action, Leveraging Sustainable Finance Leadership in Canada sets out a three-year policy roadmap to funnel private investment into a sustainable Canadian economy.
While mandatory climate risk disclosure is a central part of the report's recommendations, there are supportive actions a number of government actors and financial organizations will need to take to build a financial system that empowers clean growth and greenhouse gas reductions.
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