
Public Policy Influence of International Development Networks: Review of IDRC Experience (1995-2005)

By Terri Willard, Heather Creech on June 1, 2009
Since the early 1990s IDRC has committed attention and resources toward ensuring that IDRC-supported research results are better utilized, with a particular emphasis on "research for policymaking." IDRC-supported networks have played an important role in expanding policy capacities, broadening policy horizons, and undertaking policy advocacy. To be most effective, however, networks must pay careful attention to developing their governance and membership models in order to engage policy makers. Furthermore, networks must develop comprehensive influencing strategies which encompass three interwoven strategies dealing with: relationship management, knowledge management, and opportunities management. Such strategies are built on a solid understanding of the non-linear nature of policy development and acknowledge the existence of informal policy advocacy coalitions within a given policy community. While windows of opportunity to influence policy open and close over time and depend on factors external to a network, networks need influencing strategies in place which will prepare them to take advantage of these policy windows when they open.

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IDRC, 2009