
Renforcement de la capacité de l'ICCN à la gestion et la résolution des conflits lies aux ressources naturelles dans le Parc National des Virunga

By Deo Kujirakwinja, Joseph Matunguru on April 1, 2009

IISD and its lead partner for the case study, the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), convened a workshop in December 2006; in Goma, DRC to discuss conflict sensitivity and resolution strategies for conservation actors working in Virunga National Park (PNVi). The meeting, attended by staff from the Institut Congolais pour la Conservation de la Nature (ICCN) and its conservation partners, aimed to come up with conservation activities that could be used to build peace among the stakeholders in and around the park, as well as building up the capacity of ICCN on the ground. Findings were strengthened with community consultations in and outside of the park. This workshop report details those discussions. It is available in French.

Report details

IISD, 2009