Roadmap for China: Green Bond Guidelines for the Next Stage of Market Growth
This report sets out a roadmap for the next steps of the green bond guidelines in the Chinese domestic green bond market with the aim of harmonizing these guidelines with international practice.
This paper sets out a roadmap for the next steps of the green bond guidelines in the Chinese domestic green bond market, with the aim of harmonizing these guidelines with international practice.
To develop a roadmap for China’s guidelines, the paper uses the following framework:
Step 1: Current green bond guidelines released by China: What do they say?
Step 2: What is the international practice in the area? How does this compare to China’s guidelines?
Step 3: Roadmap to achieving harmonization between China’s green bond guidelines and international practice.
This framework has been applied to each segment of China’s current green bond guidelines: Green Definitions, Management of Proceeds of green Bonds, External Reviews and Assurance, and Reporting and Disclosure requirements.
Findings: The current state of harmonization is good. The table overleaf outlines the current state of harmonization and clearly shows that there is strong alignment in most areas. In particular, full alignment already exists for Management of Proceeds and Reporting and Disclosure guidelines. External Reviews and Assurance guidelines are closely aligned, with China taking early steps to strongly encourage the use of independent verification. Further efforts to harmonize the green bond guidelines should focus primarily on Green Definitions, with particular emphasis on development of Sector-Specific Criteria and the Basis for Criteria.
This is the first paper in a series of four discussion papers issued by IISD and the Climate Bonds Initiative on prospects for the Chinese green bond market.
The four papers are:
- Roadmap for China: Green Bond Guidelines for the Next Stage of Market Growth (Paper 1)
- Roadmap for China: Scaling up Green Bond Market Issuance (Paper 2)
- Roadmap for China: Green Securitisation, Tax Incentives and Credit Enhancements to Scale Green Bonds (Paper 3)
- Roadmap for China: Extending the Joint Leadership on Green Finance (Paper 4)
- 中国绿色债券发展路线图:在下一市场发展阶段的绿色债券指引(报告一)
- 中国绿色债券市场路线图:扩大发行规模(报告二)
- 中国绿色债券市场路线图:利用绿色资产证券化、税收优惠和增信措施扩大绿色债券的规模(报告三)
- 中国绿色债券市场路线图:增强中英绿色金融联合领导力(报告四)
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