
Scenario-Based Planning for a Changing Climate in the Bras d'Or Ecosystem

By Livia Bizikova on April 6, 2010
Responding to climate change is becoming a necessity and communities can no longer afford to rely on policies that are based solely on past and current needs to protect them from the impacts of changing climate. On the other hand, developing policies that take into account the potential impacts of future climate without considering local needs, plans and long-term visions could challenge the implementation and effectiveness of such policies. Therefore, to be effective in adapting to climate change, we should try to look at impacts of climate change and needed responses in the context of other challenges and opportunities that regions are facing, and in this way account for synergies and trade-offs between climate change responses and other policies and measures.

This report presents outcomes of a January 2010 workshop in Sydney, NS, that investigated linkages between climate change and development priorities by using participatory scenario development approaches. The report also presents lessons learned about effective integration of climate model outcomes with stakeholder-driven process with a focus on policy development.

Report details

IISD, 2010