Around the world, citizens are demanding better infrastructure.
The Yellow Vests in France have been taking to the streets since November 2018, demanding more affordable education, healthcare, transport and greater purchasing power. High school students are demanding public action to curb climate change. Political movements are on the rise that threaten the very fundamentals of globalization and democracy. What is the underlying message? Inequalities linked to more affordable public infrastructure must be overcome.
Policy-makers in Malaysia are working to address these critical social and infrastructure issues.
Our experts, Oshani Perera, Director, Public Procurement and Infrastructure Finance, and David Uzsoki, Senior Advisor, are conducting a study tour in Malaysia Monday, June 17, to Friday, June 21. The tour will focus on the fundamental ingredients for a vibrant project bond market and the role of the Danajamin Nasional Berhad, Malaysia’s financial guarantee insurer, in protecting and supporting the market while mobilizing capital into infrastructure projects.